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Assistant Principal

Meet the Assistant Principal of Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School

Dear Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary Family,

My name is Dannon Bedwell and I will proudly be serving as your assistant principal for the upcoming school year. I am entering my 4th year serving in the role at MLK. It is an honor to be in this position, and take my responsibility to heart. Whether it be academically, behaviorally, or socially emotionally, we will support ALL students on their unique path of growth and fulfillment. This work will be done collaboratively with our administrative team, the hard-working staff, along with parents/guardians, to ensure each student achieves current and future success. I look forward to continuing to build relationships, establishing trust, and working together to make MLK Elementary the best it can possibly be for our students. Our focus for the 2023-2024 will be aligned with the vision of the Tuscaloosa City Schools.

  • K-12 Literacy and Numeracy Achievement: (significant gains in student achievement)
  • Extra and Co-Curricular Participation: (every student connected/engaged)
  • TCS Graduates with CCRI and a Post-Secondary Plan: (100% CCRI and verified plan)
  • Optimal Teaching and Learning Environment: (PLCs district; student engagement; teacher retention; positive culture; would refer a friend to the TCS, "I love my school, my administration, my colleagues, and my kids")

Here at MLK Elementary, we pride ourselves on maintaining high expectations for all. This includes our three core expectations of an MLK Elementary student:

  • Be Respectful
  • Be Responsible
  • Be Ready to Learn

These expectations apply to all students in all locations. This includes all areas on campus, to and from school, online/social media, and in the community. For more detail on student expectations, be sure to review the student code of conduct and meet-n-greet where we will review our expectations. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions, concerns, or feedback. This is the MLK Way, Intelligence, Character, and Perseverance!

Dannon Bedwell
Assistant Principal


@MLK_Elem_TCS - School Account

@MLK_DannonB - Mr. Bedwell - Assistant Principal


Dannon T. Bedwell

Assistant Principal